Tsquared Robotics Journey 2020

We are happy to announce the upcoming Virtual Fall Robotics Classes starting October 10.
It has been a great journey since February this year; working hard towards this moment.
Covid-19 has affected so many people and businesses. Students across the globe could not continue with their education.
Under normal circumstances, Tsquared Robotics as a company would conduct robotics classes in different cities with our
staff in the premises; be it schools, community centers, etc.
With no end in sight of the closure due to the pandemic; we decided to try out the same program virtually.
With this plan, so many things came into play. There were just so many questions to answer. First of all, our students need to have their kit on hand
to be able to keep up the pace. The logistics had to be close to perfection. This was not going to be an easy task and we were ready for it.
We launched a FREE 4-week Virtual Summer Camp with students from Gambia, Kenya, and the USA.
The camp proved to be a success whereby they worked in teams of two via ZOOM.
We had to divide into break-out rooms, which proved to be of help whenever they needed assistance.
The virtual learning would start on Monday through Thursday; 3 hours each. Then they would make a presentation on Friday.
We would select the team with the best presentation and this way we were confident that all concepts were understood.
All the data we gathered from this camp proved that conducting robotics classes virtually is possible and surprisingly more
enriching for the student as we have their full attention.
After the 4-week Camp, we did not stop there. For us to be able to launch the program globally; our students need to have the kit to be able to build different machines using LEGO Kit e.g: pump, double pump, piston, and all other kinds. The advanced class had to program their robots too.
For this to be possible, we had to carefully plan for the logistics. It is relatively easy to buy LEGO kits online in the US and get them in the following few days. But it can be a challenge for other countries.
Hence, we decided to launch the 8-week Pilot Virtual Summer Classes for different categories: Pre-k, Beginner, and Intermediate classes for Kenya.

Our students were able to get their kit and continue with the program. The amount of data we gathered from this program proves to us that this is possible even in remote lands. The feedback we got from parents is unprecedented. With the preparedness that came into play, we are very confident that our students are enriched in a way that has never been seen before.